Breathe in. Breathe out.
In. Out. In. Out.
We breathe as long as we are alive, from the first breath in at birth, to the last breath out at the end of life. It’s a constant motion that we are often unaware of.
We don’t often stop to consider how we breathe – and what we need to breathe – in order to survive. As you walk among trees and plants, you breathe in the oxygen they send out into the atmosphere. When you breathe out, you exhale carbon dioxide. The trees then take it in and send oxygen back out. Over and over again in an ongoing cycle.
It’s almost as if we are breathing together with the plant life around us. We need trees and plants for many things, but oxygen is perhaps the most urgently vital for our survival.
If you have a chance to see a tree today, you might stop and express your gratitude. It has a part to play in giving you life.